Teen Idles
1980-07-27 @ Third Dimension
This is the earliest concert of Ian MacKaye I have audio from. Here he plays bass for the Teen Idles.
Before playing Adventure, Nathan refers to their California trip next week. The first California show was August 6, 1980. The latest show before that is July 27 at Third Dimension, and that is about one week before Aug. 6.
(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)
song/quote |
We're the Teen Idles. That's I-D-L-E-S. |
Teen Idles |
?. Yeah. If you're not stamped, don't drink. ?. Wooooh. |
I Drink Milk |
[unknown song] |
Girls... You can't live with them; you can't live without them. |
Do You Love Me [Contours] |
How long a set do you think they play? What. How long a set do you think they play? Hi, there. Oh, just a couple more minutes. ... Fleeting Fury. [13 second repeat.] You wanna fuck? One, two, three, four. |
Fleeting Fury |
?. This is the first song we ever did. |
Steppin' Stone |
Commie Song |
This one's for California [surf?], which we'll be going to next week. Right? Wow. Really? It's called Adventure. |
Adventure |
This goes out to a lady [?] raced around Chevy Chase circle. |
Trans Am |
?. How much are the drinks? A dollar. ?. |
At the Hop [Danny and the Juniors] (bad start) |
At the Hop [Danny and the Juniors] |
Sneakers |
Get Up and Go! This one goes out to Mary [Ruger?]. Who? Who? |
Get Up and Go |
Whoooa. ?. We're ready. |
Fiorucci Nightmare |
Getting In My Way |
This song goes out to all the Dead Heads. |
Deadhead |
This is our [?] song. It's called Too Young To Rock. |
Minor Disturbance (Too Young To Rock) |
No Fun [The Stooges] |
1980/07/27 | recorded (from audience) to tape |
1980-2000 | unknown |
c. 2000 | Maxell-XLII 90-minute cassette tape |
2003/08/27 | digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Cool Edit 2000 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo) |
2003/08/28 | edited |
2003/08/31 | extracted individual tracks |
2003/08/31 | compressed |
The segment times are mm:ss from the beginning of the entire show.
segment | problem | editing |
whole | has hiss from this cassette tape | (Cool Edit 2000) 0:00.1-0:02.5 get tape hiss noise profile @8192FFT, reduce noise 100% (precision 9, smooth 3) |
3:11-3:58 | too loud | amplify: -2 dB |
0:00-3:11 | too soft | compress 999:1 > -9.6dB > flat + gain .9 dB, amplify: 5.1 dB |
whole | needs centering | amplify: use "Center Wave" profile |
whole | rumble (from some prev tape deck) | 0:02.7-0:04.16 get rumble noise profile @8192FFT, reduce noise 100% (precision 9, smooth 3) |
whole | left channel too soft | (Sound Forge 6.0) channel converter: new L <-- 33%L+68%R; new R <-- 0%L+80%R |
whole | muddy, not enough treble | graphic EQ: (approx:) -inf > 50Hz > flat > 130Hz > -24dB > 160Hz > flat > 1.1kHz > (rise to)+7dB > 7.7kHz > -inf, compress: inf:1 > -5dB (no auto gain) |
0:27 | drops out | use envelope to amplify |
2:44 | clicks (sounds like original tape recorder stopped and started) | compress inf:1 > -35dB |
4:49-4:50 | solo snare too loud | use envelope to attenuate |
5:30-5:31 | solo snare too loud | use envelope to attenuate |
7:50-7:53 | base drum too loud | compress 2:1 > -15dB |
8:18-8:20 | treble drops | use graphic EQ |
12:47-12:52 | bass drum and snare too loud | compress 2:1 > -15dB |
14:21-14:27 | base drum too loud | compress 1.5:1 > -15dB |
18:01 | first two guitar notes too loud | compress 1.5:1 > -15dB |
23:37-23:39 | bass drum too loud | compress 3:1 > -13dB |
23:39-23:40 | first guitar note too loud | compress 1.5:1 > -15dB |
25:45-25:46 | three bass drum beats too loud | compress 3:1 > -20dB |
25:46-25:46 | first snare beat too loud | compress 1.5:1 > -20dB |
27:26-27:27 | beginning of song too loud | compress 1.5:1 > -15dB |
29:50-29:50 | first guitar note too loud | compress 1.5:1 > -15dB |
32:38-32:56 | treble drops out | use graph EQ |