Minor Threat

1981-01-09 @ dc space, 443-C 7th Street (corner E Street) NW, Washington, DC

This is the earliest Minor Threat show that I have audio from. This is Minor Threat's third show ever. It has almost the same set list as the following show; only "Seeing Red" and "Straight Edge" are swapped.


Ian mentions that the Slickee Boys are playing after Minor Threat. The only show Minor Threat ever played with the Slickee Boys was January 9, 1981, as shown in the book "Banned in DC" by Connolly, Clague, and Cheslow, pp. 23, 176.


(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)


flyers/1981-01-09.jpg flyers/1981-01-09_2.jpg flyers/1981-01-09_3.jpg flyers/19810109b.jpg


Minor Threat
Stand Up
Straight Edge
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Small Man Big Mouth
Seeing Red
Guilty of Being White
Bottled Violence
Steppin' Stone


1981/01/09recorded (from audience) to tape
c. 2000Maxell-XLII 90-minute cassette tape
2003/09/16digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Sound Forge 6.0 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo)
[in progress]edited


The segment times are mm:ss from the beginning of the entire show.

wholehas DC bias due to electronic difference between tape deck and sound card(Sound Forge 6.0) DC Offset: auto detect (from whole wave) and remove
wholenoise (tape hiss, etc.)get profile from 10:58.50-10:58.67; reduction: mode 3, 21.2dB, att/rel 90/90, FFT 512 ovlp 67%
wholeslightly slow (329 Hz sounds like 323Hz)resample @ 43213 Hz, high accuracy
wholeleft channel 9 samples too earlyremove 9 samples from beginning of left channel
3:26.835-8:38.924right channel 1dB too loudchannel mixer: right <-- 90% of right, left <-- 100% left
00:10.343-00:10.365left channel drops outcopy from right channel
00:09.516-00:09.544left channel drops outcopy from right channel
00:11.647-00:11.681left channel noise and drop outcopy from right channel
00:10.265-00:10.319left channel noise and drop outcopy from right channel
00:09.966-00:10.030right channel drops outuse envelope amplify evenly
00:10.552-00:10.590left drops outuse envelope to amplify evenly
08:38.924-endright channel 1 dB too softr <-- 115% r
09:32.293slight clip caused by previous amphand-draw top of curve
wholeneeds limitinghard limiter at -4 dB (0 ms attack, 0 ms release)