Minor Threat

1981-08-03 @ O'Banion's, 661 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL

This show was digitized and put on CD before I received it, so the quality is not that great.


Before "Stand Up," Ian mentions Chicago. The only shows Minor Threat played in Chicago were August 3, 1981, and April 1983. This is clearly an early show, way before 1983, because they don't play "Little Friend," or "No Reason," or any of their later songs. Also note that O'Banion's closed in 1981 or 1982.


(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)




[Ian:] "Out of Step With the World."
Out of Step
This song is called... This song is called... Turn the vocals up please. Somebody get me some water please. Somebody. This song is called... "Guilty of Being White." Ready? Thank you.
Guilty of Being White
OK. Honestly... honestly, since Chicago has these twenty one year limits shit, no one here is like young or something. But just 'cause you're like fucking over twenty one doesn't mean you can't fucking move. And it only... You look real great back there. This city's got great bands. I heard Effigies. They're fucking hot as shit. Subversion... uh, Strike Under. So you all should support them... or someone should. This song is called "Stand Up."
Stand Up
Uh. I wanna say... I wanna say a lot of thanks to John [Kezdy] of the Effigies who, uh, put out a lot of posters and like kinda talked us into doing the show, 'cause we weren't gonna do it. Where the fuck is he? [girl:] He left. [Ian:] Why? [girl:] Uh... I don't know. [boy:] It was too loud. [girl:] He was bored. [Ian:] Not nearly as boring as your crowd... Ah, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh. This song is called... It goes out to you, darling, right there with [twinkies?]. It's called "I Don't Wanna Hear It."
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Thank you. Next... OK. More water. Can somebody get me more water please. Chris, Chris, Chris, get me more water. I knocked 'em all over. All right. This goes out to all you hard drinkers. You know. We know how tough you get when you get a little fucked up. Ready? This song is called "Bottled Violence."
Bottled Violence
Ha, ha. Don't... oh, please, don't leave. We really want you to stay. Yeah. I hope you all paid lots of money. This song... Ready? "12XU" Ready? Song goes out to all...
[at end of song:] Flex your head! This song is called... I love you... [sings:] "I don't wanna hear it." Welcome to the city of the blowing wind. Any kids... Hey... [fart sound] At least you got a club here, and it shows, man. [inaudible] ... do with religion, it's called "Filler," "Filler."
Thanks. Tough shit. Anyway. This, as I said, goes out to this man right here. You're from Chicago? You're real cool, man. The rest of you people are lame. At least this... At least this man... [inaudible] You from Chicago? You dancing? Anyone who's out here, who's not scared to get out here with just fucking kids, you're all fucking lame. This song is called "Straight Edge."
Straight Edge
[guitar stops during last chorus] Sorry, Lyle. Sorry. Sorry, Lyle. Yes. This goes out to everyone from Washington. It's called "Steppin' Stone." I need some help on this.
Steppin' Stone
This is called "Small Man, Big Mouth." Go. Go. Jeff. "Small Man, Big Mouth."
Small Man Big Mouth
OK. The mike stand's trashed. Fix it. Fix it, man. This is called... it's not called anything yet. I owe you a mike stand. It's called "Seeing Red." Go.
Seeing Red
This is a new... This is a new song. It's called "In My Eyes." [tuning] Fun place to play, no shit. This is called "In My Eyes."
In My Eyes
This is called... You can buy our record if you want. Two... Eight songs, two dollars. Get SOA and Teen Idles while you're at it. This song is called "Screaming at a Wall." Say no more.
Screaming at a Wall
DC & Ohio rule! Remember that. This is our last song. It's called "Minor"... Are you ready Jeff? Bear with us for a second, as we've been bearing with you all night long. Ready?
Minor Threat


1981/08/03recorded (from audience) to tape
1981-2000unknown; digitized
c. 2000burned to CD
2003/09/13ripped from CD, 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo
[in progress]edited


The segment times are mm:ss from the beginning of the entire show.

wholehas DC bias due to electronic difference between tape deck and sound card(Sound Forge 6.0) DC Offset: auto detect (from whole wave) and remove
wholetoo fast (E sounds like F)resample @ 46722 Hz, high accuracy
wholeright channel about 5 samples later than left channelremove 5 samples from beginning of right channel
12:04.540-12:04.593clippinghand-draw curve top
11:07.422-endleft ~ 1.2 dB louder rightchannel converter: left = 87% of left
8:16.555-8:20.400right volume dropsright +10 dB
8:22.383-8:33.009right volume fluctuatesuse fade to amplify right channel
8:50.898-11:07.422right 1 dB softerchannel converter: right = 113% of right
9:00.832,9:02.820,10:23.259,10:26.958,10:26.987,10:29.577,10:52.772,10:52.798,10:52.836clippingdraw curve tops
8:26.395-13:25.860~ 1 dB louder than following musicchannel converter: both = 87% of both
beginning-0:07.859too softchannel converter: l = 126% of left, r = 142% of r
0:07.859-0:16.027left gets louder then softer; right gets softer, louder, then softeruse fader to fix each cahnnel individually
0:50.071-1:10.440too soft+ 2 dB
4:24.950-8:26.395left is 1 dB louder than right- 1 dB let
13:25.860-15:21.164left 1 dB louder than right- 1 dB left
15:21.164-endleft 0.3 dB louder than right- 0.3 dB left
22:06.009-22:17.489left is 1 dB too loud- 1 dB left
20:51.706-21:30.988left 1.8 dB too soft+ 1.8 dB left
20:53.611-21:34.466right is 1.8 dB too soft+ 1.8 dB right
0:39.319-0:40.9652 dB too loud- 2 dB both
wholetape hiss and other noisenoise reduction (mode 3, 95 att/rel,
wholeloud spikeshard limiter -5 dB
wholehas crackling soundsclick removal: 20, 8, 1, med
wholeloud spikes (from click removal)hard limiter -5 dB (again)
wholeneeds normalizationnormalize peak level to 0 dB
26:48-endfades outamplify to remove fade