Minor Threat
1982-08-01 @ 9:30 Club
The tape I have of this show cuts off mid-show (during "Bottled Violence").
Before the first song, Ian mentions that they are in the 9:30 Club. The only shows Minor Threat played 9:30 were August 1, 1982 (I think that one is this show), and January 2, 1983 (which I cannot rule out). Also they played there on the Dischord "Live" video, but that's definitely not this show. Also they played there several times in 1981, but I think this show is 1982. Other than the fact that the bootleg tape I have is labeled "9:30, D.C. 1982," I cannot find any other identifying features. Note that this show has the same set list as 1981/01/10.
(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)

song/quote |
[Ian:] If you wanna fight or if you wanna get fucking physical, don't do it back there. You do it right here, all right? If those people wanna stand... if they wanna stand there, that's OK. They paid... Listen, if they wanna stand back there, it's OK. They paid their money. Anyone who came tonight's all right. But if you wann fucking move, if you wanna fight, you wanna have a good time, you come up here, all right? Don't take it back there. Let them have their time. Another thing: if you fucking wanna throw something... and someone hit one of my friends with a bottle. If you or anyone back there wanna throw something, man, let us fucking catch you. You got that? Fucking throw shit, man... fucking pussy. The 9:30's nice enough to have us, we'll have to be nice enough not to hurt their partons... unless they hurt us first. [audience member:] Attaboy, Ian! [Ian:] What? [audience member:] Attaboy! [Ian:] All right, we're Fifth Column, formerly Minor Threat. We changed our name. Fifth Column. If you wanna know the meaning you have to ask me later on. I don't feel like explaining it right now. |
Minor Threat |
This next one is called "Stand Up." |
Stand Up |
All right. Next one... will go to all... out to all you people who are here who are laughed at as you're walking down the street. It's called "I'm Seeing Red." |
Seeing Red |
Take a breather. One more thing, again, if you're under eighteen you shouldn't be drinking in the first place. [inaudible]. The 9:30 is nice enough to let us come in here under eighteen... Shut up, Potter... then you shouldn't fucking drink. Give 'em that much. Boyd is older than me, ha ha ha ha. This next one goes out to... it's called "I Don't Wanna Hear It." |
I Don't Wanna Hear It [music stops] |
I'm sorry. I forgot... I forgot to dedicate it. I'm sorry. Brian [Baker, playing bass], stop. I forgot to dedicate it so we obviously can't paly it 'til I dedicate it. So, who should we dedicate it to tonight? We dedicated to the Nurses... Not [Dodie???]. Who should we dedicate it to? Any suggestions? Richard Harrington? [Washington Post writer.] OK. All right. [inaudible]. And to who? Sorry, don't mean to be stalling you all. All right, this'll go out to Richard Herrington and Charlie McCarthy, or whatever his name is... McCullough, oh, appologies, appologies. Ready? One more time. It's called "I Don't Wanna Hear It." |
I Don't Wanna Hear It |
Thank you. This goes out to all our skating punks who just showed up. Ready? This one is called "Small Man, Big Mouth." |
Small Man, Big Mouth |
[Boy is it hot???] How many of you are under the influence of narcotics tonight? How many? Let's hear it. Raise your hands. This one goes out to you. I'm against it. It's called "Straight Edge." |
Straight Edge |
How many of you went to public high school? This is one you should know about. It's called "Guilty Of Being White." |
Guilty Of Being White |
OK, let's see. This one's called "Bottled Violence." |
Bottled Violence [cuts off mid-song] |
Steppin' Stone |
1982/08/01 | recorded (from audience) to tape |
1982-2000 | unknown |
c. 2000 | Maxell-XLII 90-minute cassette tape |
2003/09/18 | digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Sound Forge 6.0 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo) |
[in progress] | edited |