Minor Threat

1982-09-18 @ Terminal 406, Baltimore, MD ("Another State of Mind")

This is the show in Baltimore where the song "Minor Threat" is featured on the "Another State of Mind" video. In the middle of the show, the people from the PA company took away the microphones, but the band kept playing anyway.


You can hear Ian talking about the PA company not getting paid, and you can compare the song "Minor Threat" to the one on the video and hear that they are the same. Also, on the video we can catch a few glimpses of the band's set list taped up on an amplifier, and it is the same as the songs on this tape.


(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)


flyers/19820918a.jpg flyers/19820918b.jpg


Cashing In
Sob Story
Straight Edge
No Reason
Screaming at a Wall
Minor Threat
Out of Step
Seeing Red
Steppin' Stone
Small Man Big Mouth
Little Friend
In My Eyes


1982/09/18recorded (from audience) to tape
c. 2000Maxell-XLII 90-minute cassette tape
2003/09/13digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Sound Forge 6.0 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo)
[in progress]edited


The segment times are mm:ss from the beginning of the entire show.

4:48-4:50left drops out
16:47left glitch
17:37-left drops and fluctuates
18:52balance adjusted during digitiation
20:40balance adjusted during digitiation
27:48drop out
29:01drop out