Minor Threat
1982-10-30 @ Woodlawn High School, 4100 Vacation Lane, Arlington, VA
The first song is "Look Back and Laugh" but with no singing, and then it goes right into another song, which is unreleased. It sounds like an old version of "Betray" with different music. The verse has lyrics "You betrayed me by growing up." I haven't heard this song played anywhere else but here. Note that my tape of this show cuts off after "It Follows."
My tape is labeled "Woodlawn High School 31st October 1982." The actual date is 30th, but I'm assuming Woodlawn is the correct location. I can't find any identifying feature other than that.
(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)

song/quote |
Look Back and Laugh [intro] |
You Betrayed Me By Growing Up [unreleased song] |
Seeing Red |
Little Friend |
Straight Edge |
No Reason |
Out Of Step |
It Follows |
Asshole Dub |
Steppin' Stone |
Filler |
Bottled Violence |
Minor Threat |
Sob Story |
12XU |
1982/10/30 | recorded (from audience) to tape |
1982-2000 | unknown |
c. 2000 | Maxell-XLII 90-minute cassette tape |
2003/09/14 | digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Sound Forge 6.0 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo) |
[in progress] | edited |
The segment times are mm:ss from the beginning of the entire show.
segment | problem | editing |
0:00-1:50 | left too soft; fluctuations | |
1:50 | fades out | |
whole | low treble |