Minor Threat
1983-04-02 @ Rollerworks, 9400 Oso Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
From Flipside (magazine): Best of Flipside Video #2.
Video indicates date and place.

song/quote |
Is this P.A. loud enough at all? It's a very nice P.A. It's very high. You should turn the volume up nice and loud. Hello? Is this even on? Is it on? Hello? Oh! Hello? Are we on? Are we on? Hi. We're Minor Threat. [cheers] Aw, cut it out. I think we're almost ready to go. Are we ready? |
Stand Up |
Filler |
Somebody lose this? ...knocked out of tune... This is a new song called "It Follows." |
It Follows [near end, Ian's mike gives out] |
Screaming At a Wall [Ian's mike still not working] |
[tuning] |
Steppin' Stone [before first chorus Ian gets new mike] |
Apparently this is our last mike. And I have been instructed to inform you that if we break this mike we will have no more singing. [tuning] No, we're not out of tune... we're out of step. |
Out Of Step |
Do me a favor. Do me a little favor. I am personally a little weary of having to wait for them to tune. However, we will not play unless we are in tune. So if you'll be so kind as to not hit the tuning pegs of the guitar everything will be OK and we won't waste so much fucking time. "No Reason." |
No Reason |
Could you guys put the heat up in this place? It's a little fucking chilly. This next song goes out to our lack of air tonight. The song is called... |
12XU |
Little Friend |
Sorry about my white skin. I've been down to Hermosa [Beach]. I was there for about twenty-five minutes and nothing happened. You guys have any tanning hints for me? We can't tan at all. [Called?] Bummer. Dude! |
Guilty of Being White |
This is a song called "Betray." It's called "Betray." |
Betray |
"Bottled Violence." |
Bottled Violence |
Called "Think Again." |
Think Again |
[Host talking to audience about encore.] You know we're waking up to a brand new day. [Play some "mellow" encore stuff; Ian laying down.] |
1983/04/02 | A/V recorded |