Minor Threat
1983-05-02 @ Jockey Club, 633 York Street, Newport, Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio)
This is Minor Threat's last show on their big 1983 tour.
At the very start of the show, Ian says that this is their very last show before going home, after 7 weeks on the road. Hansgen's tour list shows the last show as "May 2 Cincinnati, OH." Note that Newport, KY, is just over the river from Cincinnati. The web site for the Jockey Club shows "Minor Threat" playing on 5/2/83 (it also lists 4/2/83, but this is an error, because Minor Threat were at Rollerworks on 4/2/83).
(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)

song/quote |
Guilty of Being White |
Little Friend |
Seeing Red |
Think Again |
Screaming At a Wall |
Stand Up |
I Don't Wanna Hear It |
12XU |
Betray |
No Reason |
In My Eyes |
Filler |
Bottled Violence |
Sob Story |
It Follows |
Small Man Big Mouth |
Steppin' Stone |
Look Back and Laugh |
Straight Edge |
Minor Threat |
1983/04/30 | recorded (from audience) to tape |
1983-2000 | unknown |
c. 2000 | Maxell-XLII 90-minute cassette tape |
2003/09/17 | digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Sound Forge 6.0 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo) |
[in progress] | edited |