Minor Threat
1983-06-09 @ Benny's, Richmond, VA
This is, I believe, Minor Threat's first (home) show after the end of their big 1983 tour. The chorus of Small Man Big Mouth sounds different than usual. The guitar is only playing an open E chord. This is similar to the sound from the next night's show, Love Hall, where Steve Hansgen is not present. I believe then that Steve is not at this show either, and Brian Baker is playing bass instead.
There's no official reference I can find to identify this show. Other bootleggers list this show and set list and venue, so that's what I'm going by. At the end of the show, Ian says, "Up next, DOA."
(original recording, without any editing) (compression log file)

song/quote |
Screaming at a Wall |
Betray |
Straight Edge |
It Follows |
Little Friend |
Filler |
Think Again |
No Reason |
Look Back and Laugh |
Small Man Big Mouth |
In My Eyes |
Sob Story |
12XU |
Bottled Violence |
Steppin' Stone |
Out of Step |
Minor Threat |
1983/06/09 | recorded (from audience) to tape |
1983-2000 | unknown |
c. 2000 | Maxell-UDII CD 90-minute cassette tape |
2003/09/19 | digitized (JVC TD-V661 Cassette Deck > Sound Blaster AWE 64 > Sound Forge 6.0 @ 44100 Hz, 16-bit, stereo) |
[in progress] | edited |